Friday 16 May 2008


3rd date with A...was meant to go out for sushi at Yo Sushi! near the area of employment but he had to work late so I offered to bring the sushi to him :-) cos I'm such a nice person and am a delivery service. And also because I just really needed to feel relaxed after having such a horrible day.

Have to admit though, the initial giddy-ness once felt is being replaced by pangs of loneliness even when near him..? Its an odd sensation. Like, I want to hold his hand but am scared to... I dont know. His sleeping habits are weird as well, he's such a fidget! and he alternate between hot and cold every 20 minutes. I think at some point he forgot I was there because he went to the toilet and went back to his bedroom (I was in the spare room) and fell asleep with the dog. He only came back to me when he heard me move! But then he left me again to go back to his room cos he was cold lol. Hm. Its weird, I feel weird. I like being with him but I have nothin to say to him yet.

I think he's bored with me already.

Then again that could just be the paranoid girl thing talking.

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