Thursday 15 May 2008


So. On to #4. (Last Thursday) Lets call this one A. A's nice. Not really my type but there was something about him. We met up at SLP and had a drink where we decided 'hell, lets go bowling.'. I lost, big time! A sharing platter at Nando's and a couple more drinks later, it was time to go home... Now usually this would be the time when I'm arsefaced and unable to string a sentence together without slurring..but I was completely sober and had a good time. The date was so...nice and INNOCENT it was scarily good. I think I like this one.

So we decided for a second date on the Saturday. He took me to a nice country pub where I understandably got shitfaced and went back to his and raped him.

The morning after wasnt too bad either. We walked the dog early in the morning in a field halfway between our houses and shared a lovely passionate 'snog' when he dropped me off home.
I hope this one progresses into something good...

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