Monday 14 July 2008

A wee update.

As you can probably tell, its been quiet on the dating front. I have to admit its not so "wild and kerraaaazy" like I thought it'd be. hmm.

A is definitely gone from the picture after a weird night following the last post. I had planned to spend the day with him on a Friday (booked a day off and EVERYTHING), the Thurs night went well...I thought. Dinner, some drinks and sat down to watch Only Fools and Horses with more drink and the dog (I love that dog, SO cute.) The morning after was a bit...odd. Not much talking until he decides to fix his kitchen cabinet...I helped him but he was having a few 'problems'. Now these problems seemed logical in my head. Unscrew this bit here, thread it through that bit, push in till it clicked and screw it back on and loosen the screw at the bottom and hey! Job done! But for some reason, he had a huge trouble with getting it through his head...being a girl I feigned ignorance for the first 20 minutes of holding the door up and watching him do 'try' to get the kitchen cabinet door on but on the 21st minute... my arms were starting to ache dammit. I 'suggested' in my saccharin sweet dulcet tones, the above solution to the problem to which he snapped 'It aint gonna work!' I shut up and left him to it but 33 minutes later (continuation to the 21 minutes) he was STILL struggling so I suggested it to him again to which his reply was the slightly aggressive 'If you think you can do it, I'd like to see you try!'

So I did. And it worked. It took every ounce of self control not to do the 'I told you so!' dance.

Perhaps I dented his male ego? Because straight after he got up got changed and ushered me out the door with 'Come on. Lets take you home' in slightly clipped tones. The journey home was the quietest ever with the only words uttered, being 'left', 'right'. 'turn here', '3rd turning on the roundabout' and 'its at the end of the road'.

The parting shot? 'K, I think you're too clever for me.' To which, I hopped out of the Vauxhall Astra van with a sourly look and slightly boggled outlook.

All this by 10.30am. So much for spending the day together eh?

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