Thursday 31 July 2008

sesquipedalian styles

I'm really bad at updating this blog thing aren't I?

Its not like anyone reads it anyway lol. So yes. What have I been up to since the 14th? Hmm. Good question. The short answer would be: Not much!

Went to York for a week, was interesting. Spoke to people I have not really spoken to whilst working side by side with them for over a year and witnessed a disturbing incident whilst at my best friends house - I had to phone an ambulance and everything! It also opened my eyes to the uncaring attitude of those in the medical profession. It wasn't pretty.

Anyway. Turns found out that I was with child. Don't worry the matter has since been resolved via medical means and I am no longer a carrier. Its been difficult actually, the mental turmoil one goes through. For that split moment in time, you're wrapped in fake attention then resentment because 1) you've just killed something 2) Abstinence and contraception lectures are abundant. It was horrid. And as you can tell, something which I dont really want to go into detail about.

SO yes. Back to the dating front...I'm going to hell. It looks like I'm seeing a married man. Am I selfish? Yes, Yes I am. Stupid? Definitely. Shallow? OH god yes. This man is HOT. He has no intention of leaving his other half. She lives up north, he works down south and conveniently, I'm down south (in more ways than one) And he's ever so lovely. Both he and I know its not a forever thing and we're using each other until someone better comes along... but its bad that I'm a moral disgrace.

Now I know how Angelina Jolie felt. Actually, its pretty good. NO! Damnit. ITs Wrong. I will stop it..eventually.

I'm a whore.

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