Tuesday 16 September 2008

Differential Artistic-ness in surreality.

"There are 6,446,131,400 people in the world...All you need is One"

I suppose it puts the context of love into perspective - however, what if that Ones' one isn't you? You're pretty much buggered arent you? What do you do then? What if the One for you is also the One for someone else? Or worse still, what if you go through your life without ever knowing the One? and vice versa? Makes you think huh? I've been doing a lot of that lately of which this quote is the derivative (goddamn it). It made me think about what I knew, what i'd like to know and who i'd want to share it with.

Then my thoughts kinda went off on a tangent. What DO i really KNOW? Do i know ANYTHING?

Knowledge is something that is highly important to the intellectual world, well... to the civilised world for that matter. Knowledge is something that is attained, something that is aspired to and something that is wanted by pretty much everyone. But it also is something that very few people (Lets say the entire earth population is 100 - i'd say that "few people" would represent around 6 of those 100 people) understand - the more you find out, the more you realise the less you know.

We as a race have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, but why? what are we going to do with all that knowledge?

This is where wisdom comes in. Now wisdom is defined by Cambridge University Press as

wisdom noun [U]the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgements

A definition that I wholeheartedly agree on, as what is the point of knowledge when there is no authority for application? whats the point of all this knowledge if you dont know how to apply it to everyday life or even use it? I suppose logic and common sense would be termed with wisdom as not many possess such qualities but deem themselves knowledgeable and in short, powerful as they possess all this knowledge (Little knowledge is a dangerous thing) but what is even more dangerous is the lack of wisdom, which subsequently develops into corruption as (and remember this lovely formula):

knowledge+power-wisdom=corrupt ugly Nitwits that suck (all that you're worth and milk you for more)

(Kn+Po)-Wi = CUNTS

wisdom is imperative in our quest for knowledge but it is sadly overlooked for our greed to know more, We should be aspiring to be more wise rather than to know it all as knowledge without wisdom is basically an assumption and we all know that that is very dangerous. And i would SO go on to explain my thoughts on assumptions but i'll use my wisdom and leave it for another day.

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