Tuesday 16 September 2008

High Falutin' Ways.

I get it, I'm psuedo-arrogant. I will judge you if you use poor grammar, I will look down on you if you're scruffily dressed, I will turn my nose up at you if you talk like a moron and I will fantasise about smacking you on the head with a rotten mackerel if you use 'txt spk' outside of sending text messages.


Ok - I am a snob but seriously... txt spk was developed to save character space for sms messages back in the days of when text messages could only handle 160 characters but that grew to 360 so what the hell!? and emails.... WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU NEED TO USE TEXT SPEAK ON EMAILS! AAAHH!

Oh. And I especially hate it if you call me 'Kiiiiiite' instead of 'Kate'

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