Monday 6 October 2008

Pissing in the wind of old age...

I've just come back from a weekend in good Ol' Yorkshire. I Love York but it seems I've outgrown it now... it just doesnt feel the same anymore and trying to recreate the "ahhh it feels like home!" feeling just doesn't cut it anymore.

Have I changed? Am I still me? Have I grown up?

A recent conversation with a very good friend had prompted me to ask these self directed questions after she commented on my 'nature' and how I'm more responsible (yeah right) and more future orientated rather than living in the now. Apparently I'm more me, now, than I was then, as I used to adapt my persona to match whoever I was with (with me so far?) and that I was always all about the fun fun fun never about the future and its consequences - now I'm more careful, care about consequences and am a damn sight more sensible.

It must be all this retirement planning crap I'm doing - you know, I'm actually looking forward to getting old, sitting by the patio on a rocking chair and throwing stones at children (or something not directly traceable back to me...) but the weirdest thing of all?

...I'm actually wanting to settle down.

Give me a cup of tea and a good book over going out clubbing anyday, give me a 3 course home cooked meal over a dinner with the girls in a posh fancy restaurant (cheaper and more intimate!)

And bloody hell, I cant believe I'm saying this - Give me a cuddle and a snog whilst watching telly over a 3 hour hour fuck marathon.

Shit, I don't think I like getting old.

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