Tuesday 30 September 2008

Round up the Dial-up experience

Ahh doesnt it just bring tears to your eyes? Bring back memories? The wonderful sound of modem workings? Isnt it wonderful? Of course not - i've been stood in my kitchen (the only place with a phone socket) for what seems like an eternity waiting for a page to download - I know i've made a few snide comments about broadband and how slow it can be sometimes but OH MY GOD i never realised that Dial Up was THIS slow.

But it does bring back memories of Napster and when a 4.5kb/s connection was considered "fast" and downloading a single MP3 file would render you useless for a good half an hour while you avidly watch the bar and think "wow its zoomin!" only to be cut off by the person you're downloading from 20 seconds before the end (i'm SO SORRY to anyone i EVER did that to lol)

As soon as broadband was introduced (or IDSN lol yeah baby! 64K!) we had it then upgraded everytime something better came along - right now my parents are cruising at a wonderful 8mb connection whilst I slug (literally) it out with a humble 42.6kbps (overall) connection. Waiting for a 3mb file has so far taken me 45mins with another10 mins left. Is there no such thing as multi tasking (or multi page browsing) when it comes to dial up? So far ive managed to cook some Super Noodles, eat a Fab ice lolly, make some home made lemonade (for real) and watch a bit of Strictly Come Dancing recorded on Sky+ from Saturday and Sunday.

And who said Dial Up was a waste of time?

Its been a real retro-like month this month - i've had to revert to non-luxury and live on a VERY tight budget (as in £0.00 for the month - I have money but I do need to get to work and with fares of £23 a day, its a bit much) i'm just lucky Dad did some shopping otherwise i'd be starving to death. But then again this new found state of poverty isnt all too bad - I've not had a cigarette in a while (frankly cant afford the fuckers but if anyone offers i WILL spark up on I have a cold so its probably best not to), i've walked to the station everyday (woo leg muscles - not good if i dont wanna end up having man legs) and the lack of luxuries like sweets is making me eat fresh fruit a lot more (i have an apple a day and a salad everyday - I would check my weight but we cant afford scales either cos I dropped the others down the stairs! hahaha.

On a lighter note, Roll on April for Independence! My ex housemate is thinking of moving down South and has asked me to be her flatmate again - the plan is for April next year and frankly I cant wait.

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