Wednesday 15 July 2009

Sometimes, Life just gets in the way.

It's not that I purposely forget, far from it, but sometimes it's just easier to sit down and do fuck all after a hard days' work.

So what has happened since? It was my birthday on the 28th and I have to admit it was one of the nicest birthdays I've had for a long time, I had a nice mixture of relaxing and boozing (ok, so maybe a lot of boozing.)

So what's happened in the past 3 months you say. Well. A fucking lot I can tell ya that.

1) I've moved to London. Yes kids, I'm now a Londoner once again! Albeit it's south of the river (I live in the middle of west Dulwich and Streatham Hill) and it's a fabulous house - I'll post photo's of it at some point - 4 bedrooms, front parking, back garden.. ahh. I almost feel like a grown up. My room is mahussive. It's by far the biggest room I have occupied and due to my hoarding (NOT whoring) nature it seems that it's not big enough for my clothes and I to be in the same room! Luckily enough the small box room is available and after much goading to my housemate, she agreed to let me turn into a walk-in wardrobe/dressing room :-) Good times. The house is nowhere near completion to the visions of residential splendour I've had since we moved in (lack of funds) but it seems I may have to move fast as my housemate is slowly taking over the house! Seriously, I've never seen anyone with so much random stuff!

Ok, ok _ I'm an advocate for random stuff and gadgets but at least my stuff is quality tat... hmm. enough of bitchiness, she's lovely. But needs to start downsizing her kitchen utensil/coffee machine/cups/random lakeland plastic shite/various kitchen appliance collections as the kitchen is chokka full of crap. With not enough space to put the bottles of vodka!

2) I'm pretty much sober these days. 6 weeks of hardly any drinking.... bloody hell that's a feat and a half considering how much I like the odd tipple.

3) Beardy guy and's weird. Oh yeah you dont know about Beardy guy? And I aint gonna tell you.

4) Ginger Ninja and I...well... that's weird too and an on-going saga. Remind me to tell you about it at some point.

5) T and I... well... now a closed book. Don't wanna think about it but by God he's still hot.

6) Lipgloss boy and I...well...he's trying to see me but a mouthful of lipgloss and a sore throat in the morning is sooo not what i want.

7) New Developments? I may just be in "like" with my bitch. Yes. my bitch. Who, incidentally is a boy. Not saying he's perfect but he's lovely and i get on with him like anything. It may be just a proximity thing but its difficult. difficult why? Well, I don't particularly want to "shit where one sleeps". And it's abusing the power isn't it? To top it off, it'll be too much exposure - work together and spend time together out of work? There'll be no time forindividuality.

lol I keep forgetting, I don't even know if he likes me like that haha. But hey it seems likely as we spend all day and lunch together... hmm. L says it's only a matter of time as we've already planned our wedding for if we're not with anyone when we're 30...

Anyways, enough about that.

Life has gotten in the way of blogging. So whilst I'll update every once in a while; I'm going to concentrate on life living in the big smoke :-)

You could say that I'm a pretty content little bunny right now but times, they are a'changing.

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