Friday 12 September 2008

Email Push & Sugar Rush

Technology is a scary thing. I still remember back in the old school days of Dial up and how 128k download speeds were regarded in the highest echelon of t'internet world.

Where are we now? With download speeds in terrabytes, dial up connections and isdn in rarity - we're in the age of technology where even washing machines and refrigeration units have internet access (actually quite useful in the morning whilst swigging orange juice straight from the carton, you can check your gmail for any gossip...maybe thats just me though)

It's scary how in this day and age one cannot walk down the street without seeing a suited Blackberry-er with RSI thumbs (myself included) and without hearing middle management spiel blurted out like aural diarrhoea as well as the inability to confirm availability without consulting ones' calendar. Whatever happened to good old fashioned ways? "Yeah, lets go for a drink - any day next week" as opposed to "Yes, lets go for a drink, cant do Tues I have a tender to submit on Weds, Fri I have a conf call with the Singapore know what, check my online calendar and book some time in I'm sure I can squeeze in an hour!" ARGH.

I hate how I'm turning into one of those people.

I'm beginning to develop paddle-like thumb bases from where my thumbs are permanently typing away on a blackberry. I feel like a numpty.

But I do LOVE my blackberry.

I think I've completely lost my way of thinking for this post...

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