Monday 29 September 2008

Perplexing matters of the Heart.

Can things get even more confusing?

When it comes to meaningful meanderings of la coeur, I'll be the first to put my hand up and say 'WTF mate?' (cos you know, I'm like, Sooo Street).

As with my previous postings, T is now back in the picture and its a very big picture. It's also sending my head spinning with discombobulation and enforces the girly emotions of "omg does he like me? Really? Maybe I'm not good enough? Why isn't he texting me? I texted him about 5 seconds ago! AARGH!"

Needless to say he's becoming a pain my beautifully ghetto booty.

The other night we were talking about getting together and I'm all for it but holding back to not seem desperate (lol) then he changes subject... HEY! what the hell! Then he goes all meaningful and starts talking about relationships and friendships and the acceptable balance of the two... it's like he's lulling me into a false sense of security then spamming me on the forehead with an upturned palm. Shocking how that boy gets me all riled up.

Yesterday we got to the subject of kids. I like to take the piss out of gingers (no offence to the ginger population - I do love you guys, take it as a sign of my affection) and remarked to him that if I ever have kids, as karma, they'll pop out with a full head of nuclear carrots to which he responded "If you ever? Don't you want kids?" I answered with the ambiguous "Someday". He says "Good answer!" - I wanted more information so I asked if he wanted any, he also said "Someday". The conversation carried on as follows:

K -"I'd like them before I'm 30"
T - "I was just thinking, after 30 - we could time it pretty well..."
K- "I'm having your kids now am I?!"
T-"Well yes, you are, go figure"
K- slight grimace and hesitant laugh "well if we do it'll be gorgeous as half filipino's are always gorgeous"

It carried on to say that it'll look like me but have his eyes and nose.

I'm a bit scared but slightly excited and fucking confused as hell - am I reading too much into it? Its not like we're exclusive and what you can call a 'couple'

But one thing's for sure - I'd like to be.

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