Thursday 4 December 2008

Hello Life.

I've had a few epiphanies this past month (yes, I know -its been a while, but I have been very busy. Details to follow).

Anyway, epiphanies.
  1. Milky Way Crispy Rolls are fantastically yummy
  2. Milky Way Crispy Rolls are not good for your waistline
  3. Financial qualifications aren't actually that difficult after 4 weeks of partying and 1 week of studying
  4. Life deals out some shit but somehow you always manage to get along
  5. I appreciate being alive
Notice how the last two was about life? - The reason for that is i'm grateful for it. Last week I nearly got squished and splattered by a fast moving train had it not been for the fast thinking of a train guard that yanked me out from the side of the platform, brain matter and various organs would have adorned the walls and pillars of platform 4 in ____ station. I dont really want to dwell on it because it was a traumatic experience but I'm glad in a perverse kind of way because it really does give you perspective. And it also makes one think. A LOT. A lot about this, a lot about that but mostly a lot about the direction life is taking.

I've come to the realisation that I'm lonely.

Yeah sure, I have friends and had boyfriends and 'buddies' but not someone.

Career-wise I think I'm doing well, I have a good job with nice people and I'm pushing myself through and getting out of my comfort zone. But emotionally? Wtf? I havent a fucking clue.

It just seems that the answer is forever eluding me.

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