Tuesday 16 December 2008

So I thought I'd try my hand at poetry...

And actually wrote a poem. I kinda like it but somehow, it doesnt really feel like its from me because it reveals me as some sort of closet romantic but here goes;

Moonlight Gymnopedies
Your arms all around me,
cold fingertips thawed
by burning cheeks.

A ballerina in twilight,
twirling round and round.
Lunar rays bouncing from each
glowing strand of hair.

Stuttering heart beats
huddled close against
your granite chest.

My head resting
perfectly against
the cove of your shoulder.

We dance to the almost silent music.

Your lips brushing my hair
Your breath sweet against my ear,
drowning out the soft sounds
of Satie's Gymnopedies.

Tell me what you think? I seem to have caught the poetry bug.

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