Thursday 22 May 2008

Spring Rolling

Not to be outdone by pies, I've embarked on a culinary journey. This whole guilt thing is so over-rated. M has blocked me, A is ignoring me (I'm never drinking stupidly and sleeping at a boys house again, snoring is so NOT sexy) and T is presumed dead. Crap eh?

Monday 19 May 2008

Watching the world go by...

....with a video cam in black and white. Experimenting with different settings and transparencies the result of which was really quite spectacular.

Appreciative of the deceptive beauty of rural areas when seen through different eyes - gave me the idea of applying the same concept in life.. A fresh approach almost, a new outlook, a better, more beautiful way of "seeing".

Today was the first day without M sitting next to me. Work felt slightly empty and just..blah. I've spent the last weekend making pies. Yes, Pies. Peach, Strawberry, Meringue, Lemon & Meringue - hell, I've made about 7 pies in total.

I bake when I'm depressed.

I even jogged (I know, movement right? Sheesh I must've been really depressed)

So yeah. No more A, at least he hasnt contacted me. Oh well. On to #5, P. But not for a couple weeks yet as he's off on holiday. Maybe A was just a little too country bumpkin for me? Who knows. Although I kinda enjoyed the whole simple life thing. Even if he was a bit of a chavcumcountrybumpkin.

Friday 16 May 2008


3rd date with A...was meant to go out for sushi at Yo Sushi! near the area of employment but he had to work late so I offered to bring the sushi to him :-) cos I'm such a nice person and am a delivery service. And also because I just really needed to feel relaxed after having such a horrible day.

Have to admit though, the initial giddy-ness once felt is being replaced by pangs of loneliness even when near him..? Its an odd sensation. Like, I want to hold his hand but am scared to... I dont know. His sleeping habits are weird as well, he's such a fidget! and he alternate between hot and cold every 20 minutes. I think at some point he forgot I was there because he went to the toilet and went back to his bedroom (I was in the spare room) and fell asleep with the dog. He only came back to me when he heard me move! But then he left me again to go back to his room cos he was cold lol. Hm. Its weird, I feel weird. I like being with him but I have nothin to say to him yet.

I think he's bored with me already.

Then again that could just be the paranoid girl thing talking.

Thursday 15 May 2008


Its bad that its come to a point where I cant think without feeling giddy and butterflies all around the stomach... Am meeting A today near the station where I work for a dinner of sushi...


So. On to #4. (Last Thursday) Lets call this one A. A's nice. Not really my type but there was something about him. We met up at SLP and had a drink where we decided 'hell, lets go bowling.'. I lost, big time! A sharing platter at Nando's and a couple more drinks later, it was time to go home... Now usually this would be the time when I'm arsefaced and unable to string a sentence together without slurring..but I was completely sober and had a good time. The date was so...nice and INNOCENT it was scarily good. I think I like this one.

So we decided for a second date on the Saturday. He took me to a nice country pub where I understandably got shitfaced and went back to his and raped him.

The morning after wasnt too bad either. We walked the dog early in the morning in a field halfway between our houses and shared a lovely passionate 'snog' when he dropped me off home.
I hope this one progresses into something good...

Sunday 11 May 2008

The first entry...

This is a strange time for me. I've had blogs in the past where I just ramble on nonsensically but this (as a promise to myself) will be a blog that makes a little bit of sense.

So anyway. I'm just going to throw you straight at the deep end of my life at the moment; I've taken it as a task to immerse myself into the world of dating - I got fed up of the guys that I usually go for so I thought; fuck it. Lets go away from the norm and do something "wild and kerrraaazy"

So yeah. I met this guy, lets call him J to protect his privacy. J seemed really up himself and my initial thoughts were 'What a c*nt' but the little was persistent, I give him that. Against my better judgement I met up with him for a drink. 5 pints and 6 cigarettes later I was hammered, missed my last train home and went back to J's flat.

Not the best idea I've had.

But hey it seemed to work because J and I saw each other for a couple months but it eventually fizzled out. We had nothing in common and his ongoing love affair with his Kona (a bike) was getting between us lol. He was a strange one. But boy did he fuck well. It ended on a sunny afternoon when I hung up on him for being an inconsiderate muppet 20 mins after leaving his flat subsequent to probably one of the best shagfests I have ever experienced.

Date #2 - We'll call this one A1. Jewish, nice guy, perfect in every way. Except when he spoke,... petty as it may seem, you havent heard this one talk. Its like.. a cross between a helium induced voice and a retarded American child from maybe Utah. Oh he was Canadian. Nothing wrong with Canadians at all. We met up at his place where he cooked me dinner. If he wasnt leaving (sorry, now left) then I would definitely have made something longterm. However as he was returning to the mother land in May (now gone) then there was no point. Its a shame though because he was really nice. Clean and big too.

Date #3 - We'll call this one Jimbob, nice lad from the sticks seemed normal at first but turned out to have a rather unhealthy obsession with lipgloss...